Saturday 9 January 2010

and quilts

Having had an outing to the shops courtesy of ds3 who drove me, he then requested a lift into town.  Well I could hardly say 'no', could I so with great trepidation I backed dh's car out onto the icy hill and crept down it, wiggling around the side roads until I reached the main road.  Flatly refused to go down any side roads in town - narrow streets, cars both side, icy track up the middle - no thanks, call me a wuss if you like, I don't care.  Dropped him, turned around and got home in one piece. Hurrah!

So today the sun shone and I was thinking that it was the 2nd Saturday of the month, wonder if Meon Valley Quilters is still on.  An email to the only person I knew and a reply back and I asked permission to borrow dh's car and set off via the motorway.  There were about 40 people and the speaker was Ann Bartlett and she had loads of quilts (by no means all of them apparently) and so many different ideas and techniques.  We were able to look through the quilts afterwards and ask questions and I helped fold them up which meant I got another look at some I particularly wanted to see.  It was lovely to see such variety. Ann used to be the organiser for Region 3, I think, but she has now stepped down from that post. She's also a member of Bourne Quilters and Maureen Thomas's Studio.

There was also a show and tell - some great pieces - and a young lady (7 years old I think) had brought along her work - a book cover and a placemat.  Well done that girl! (I also bought a bit of fabric, but we won't go into that, ahem).

Got home in one piece, though the hill was a bit slushy and slippy by then and felt pleased with myself that I'd done it all by myself LOL (as you may gather, I am not good at driving in snow and definitely not in my car which is an old automatic and not very tractable).  However, if the road is still like this on Wednesday, I will need to borrow dh's car again for quilt group, assuming we actually manage to meet this time.  We'll see...

Something I hadn't realised is that Bourne Quilters in Emsworth will be having their show this year, and also Maureen Thomas's Studio will be having a show as well.  Something to look forward to!

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