Sunday, 17 October 2010

Quilters Guild Regional Day, Region 3 at the Mountbatten School, Romsey, Hants

What an interesting day.  2 speakers - Susan Chapman who was absolutely fascinating and I really wish I had had more time to look at her sketchbooks and the work she had brought with her.  In the afternoon Alicia Merrett's talk was 'Womens Work to Womens Art' which was an interesting look at different types of quilts around the world and through the past several hundred years, up to the present day.

There were also traders, a workshop the following day with Alicia Merrett, an excellent lunch - everyone brought something to share and I met some very interesting people.

Some people do wonder why the Guild exists and what they would get out of it.  No, it's not the cheapest thing in the world to belong to, but there is the Museum in York if you can get there, which has excellent exhibitions, there are many regions, all of which have things going on (a discount for members but non-members not excluded) - talks, workshops, visits, groups, regional days.  Quiltmakers and fibre/textile artists are I think the most welcoming beings on the planet.  The Guild holds a collection of definitive quilts, there is a library to borrow from, there are specialist groups.  An awful lot of bang for your buck.  I am sure that there are many things I have left out but perhaps someone will comment and add the things I have missed.....

I joined when I won a book in a raffle by the Quilters Guild at the Festival of Quilts - thought I had better see what it was all about, since I had been fortunate enough to win a copy of their book.  I haven't regretted it.

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