Sunday, 28 April 2013

and more or less up to date now....

I love it when our members share with others - quilters are generous people as a rule (though you may get 6 or 7 different opinions as to how to do something LOL). Elaine had hexagon piecing lessons with Jane as she has decided to make one of the blocks from Jane's seaside quilt. Lesley made a quilt a while ago (you can probably see it if you page back through the blog - realised that I usually forget to tag the posts which makes it harder, sorry) and Steph has now made it to suit her decor.
isn't it fab?!!

Rosemary's second quilt - she stitched in  the ditch and also tied it at the corners

This is mine.  I made the blocks a long time ago and we all spent an awful lot of time fiddling around with it, trying different settings.  And I labelled every single block except that somewhere something went wrong and I am not sure that they all ended up where they should have been.  It looks a bit odd because it's a reflection in the huge mirrors in our room at Denmead - well we don't like to look at ourselves in that mirror, but it is good for showing off some things.....

Anyway, after I had put all the blocks together I put it in a bag along with some backing, and the left overs, as one sometimes does, and promptly forgot about it.  Also, as one does, I found it while ferreting about looking for something else and decided to load it onto my frame, which is another thing that was sitting around getting in the way and generally not being much use.  Talk about procrastination!  The whole quilt is done with meandering - stippling, call it what you will - that squiggly pattern and squiggle it certainly does.  It's the first quilt I had quilted on the frame and that requires a whole different mindset so it's definitely a practice quilt and I will have to find some more to continue the practice.  However, I had forgotten how enormous the quilt was, and abandoned the idea of any further borders.  It's now on our bed and lovely and cosy to sleep under.

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