Sunday 14 February 2010

Meon Valley Quilters Show and Tell

ChrisJ and I visited the Meon Valley Quilters for their monthly meeting.  There were some smashing quilts at the show and tell, including a Mariners Compass made by someone who has only been quilting for a year, and a little bag made by what must be the youngest member – I think she is about 7?

The hall was pretty full and the seating turned away from the stage.  That was probably a good thing as otherwise people at the back would probably not have been able to see many of the smaller quilts, but people do tend to forget to turn the quilts so that everyone can see and of course with no stage there wasn’t really any height except for a couple of ladies who stood on something they probably shouldn’t have and held things up high enough for us all to see.  A difficult one, that, but I enjoyed the show nonetheless.


The visitors this month were the Heather Quilters who are really busy quilters!  I had met one of their members at Farnham Maltings and was pleased to be able to say hello again.  What a varied selection of quilts we saw – a huge mix of traditional and contemporary, many journal quilts and smaller pieces, several bags and some simply enormous traditional quilts as well.


As usual, neither Chris nor I won anything in the raffle, LOL, but we did notice a sewing machine for sale, an older Pfaff and this has prompted me to point something out which some people may not have thought of.


I bought an older Bernina Record which, although it goes, doesn’t do anything except straight stitch at the moment.  It is a lovely machine (though it weighs a ton)and with a beautiful stitch but when I took it to the repairman he said he could fix it, but first the electrics would need to be completely overhauled.  So that adds considerably to the price and will probably mean that my mother’s old Singer will also have to undergo renovation.  I am not quibbling about the cost, because that makes the machine good for many years to come, but it is something one might not be thinking about when purchasing an old machine from a private individual, unless they have already had the electrics sorted out.

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