Saturday, 23 April 2016

Jane's secret etc.........

Quite often Jane makes things I cant publish yet, and this is one of them - read and ponder!

Rosemary's cushion made for a friend to go with her sofa!

Wendy just doing the binding on this 2nd quilt for one of her sons - they are currently having to share the first one.....

Steph and Sarah went to a show in London with their children.  Two of the girls did some silk painting as above.  Aren't they fab?

Sian does quite a lot of commission quilts.  She spent quite a long time pondering colour choices, drawing out the block she wanted to use, sizes etc and gave us  a headache as we worked out the maths (no guarantees there, though, as we are all useless at it....) the fabrics came from who make up the most delicious combinations and I for one cannot to wait to see the results................

Kim's centre - she was wondering what to put in the middle - her sweater really brought the colours to life (though I doubt she will cut it up)

Kim does lovely work; I am looking forward to seeing which section she does next.....

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