Monday, 7 December 2015

Oh dear what a lot of catching up to do.......

 Well the holidays and the summer really got away from me this year so rather a lot of pics to work through.....

I think this is Steph hiding behind this 9 patch variation.  If not, someone please let me know! 9 patches are 3 squares in a row and 3 rows in a block.  You can totally change the look of them depending of what fabrics you use, or by cutting the finished block up in various ways which gives you a different look.

A wedding present made by Steph.  There is lace over the pink fabric and the block design is a variation on a double wedding ring....

Rosemary's Hexagons.  Lots of unpicking and changing of mind, but the end result is rather cute

Sian made this Grandmother's Fan Quilt - isn't it fab? This particular version was foundation pieced.  You can make one using dresden plate fans eg  or you can use a pieced version using Quilter's Cache free patterns here
Or you could use a foundation pieced set (ie pattern printed onto fabric and you sew your pieces of fabric onto the printed background).  Lots of different ways to do it and plenty of different settings.  A setting is how the blocks are put together.  Sian has chosen to keep them all in the same orientation, as you can see.

Sian also chose to make this version of a log cabin which she has called Lightning Logs.  I think this may be a winter project for quilting.  I am sure I have a more up to date photo somewhere but as I said, I have rather too many pics to sort through.  When I find it, I will post it.....Much nicer in reality than in this pic.

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