Sunday, 3 June 2012

Region 3 Challenge Quilts

The Quilters' Guild Region 3 Committee (Hants, Wilts, IoW and CIs) chose an unusual measurement for this year's challenge quilts - 10" x 50".  They were shown at the Regional Day in April 2012.  They were judged by Janet Twinn and Gill Turley, who were the speakers that day. The last photo shows the 3 chosen 1st on the left, 2nd middle and 3rd right.  They are due to be hung at the Quilters Guild Museum in York in the Autumn, I believe, in the small room where the videos are shown.  A very interesting set of quilts, worthy of study when you get to see them!  I found it very difficult to pick a favourite as each one had a lot to look at either in content or technique.  I think all the makers should be very pleased with themselves :)

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