Saturday, 2 February 2013

January 2013

Dreadful weather in the form of rain or snow or just very cold or even a combination.  Even our room was really cold one evening; our numbers were few and we huddled up the end with the heater....  Anyway a few pics for your pleasure....

Pieced by Paula Lewis from another group several years ago.  I backed it with fleece, hand quilted and bound it and it will go to Project Linus eventually....

Some of us :)

Sheila's surprise.  She has been beavering away on this and brought it in to show.  This is her version of Jane's sampler which is going to be serialised in the spring.  It's fab!

..and here it is in all its glory :)

December 2012

Oh dear, sorry this is late.........lots of lovely pics of gorgeous things.....

Christine's Roosting Robin has gone to its nest.  It is gorgeous in reality.  I am so chuffed when somebody makes something and has their own take on it :)

Christine made one of these little bags with pockets around the sides.  Chris has, too, but she hasn't brought it in to show off, yet

Jane and her pot....

...full of bath bombs by the looks of it :)

Jane drawing the raffle. I won the quilt featured in previous posts which consisted of blocks from various Breakaways members put together by Jane and quilted by her.  Quite embarrassing as I won last year.  This year there were some fabric packs as well which Jane had made up out of donations by some members so that spread the good cheer around a bit :)

Faulty memory here but judging by the fabric I think this is something made by Jane.

Jane's pot - note the fastening

All of the little pots follow a demo by Lesley using fabric, wadding and soil pipe (clean!). The pipe was kindly provided by Donna.  Sadly I wasn't around for much of this effort, though I will make one eventually - they are such lovely items.  I don't know whose is whose but they are all gorgeous....

Somebody tell me whose this is?  I think it might be Steph's or Sarah's - note the treatment of the hanger - great idea!