My brothers worked very hard to organise what proved to be an uplifting and memorable funeral/memorial for my father, Ken Barnes, at St Lawrence's Church, Hungerford, last Monday. Many people came; many were unable to. Those who were able, gathered at The Bear Hotel afterwards to reminisce, have a look at his books, watch some very old video converted from cine film and generally catch up with ourselves, each other and the countries my father worked so hard for. It was a superb celebration of a life lived as fully as possible.
If anyone should read who might be interested in donating to the Malawi Association for Christian Support, which my father supported, here is a link to our just giving page
or you can go to
Our further news is that our grandson, Freddie Hounsell was born to Hayley Sherborne and Luke Hounsell on Saturday 24th July - while Batala was playing at Southsea Carnival:
When we finally stopped - the silence was deafening! - I was able to phone and get this marvellous news. Freddie is a poppet and has had many cuddles from his uncles and ourselves :) Bradley (his brother) is so far only mildly interested, his attention being taken up by the rather large bulldozer he has acquired and a number of small cars which he insists on posting into my fish tank.....
And on the 23rd July, our youngest, Jon, turned 17 and spent his birthday taking his CBT and then practising on his motorbike.